An urban video and sound installation


 Tokyo aruku (walking in Tokyo) is an urban sound and video installation filmed in Tokyo between April and November 2016. This work is a section of a larger project called “Si pudiera volver a vivir…” …[if could live again…], a non-stop 24 hour video shot in the five world continents and shown synchronised to real time. Si pudeira volver a vivir is a quote by Jorges Louis Borges who, at the end of his life writes <<Si pudiera volver a vivir comenzaría a andar descalzo a principios de la primavera y seguiría descalzo hasta concluir el otoño>> [if I could live again, I would walk barefoot from the beginning of April until the end of autumn]. Tokyo aruku aims to reflect and highlite the noise pollution of a city in comparison with the natural sounds present in nature.

Tokyo araku, is both an homage to Borges and a research on the deep meaning of Borges’ intentions expressed in his intellectual testament.